The fonds consists of photographs of CPR activities and facilities in the Revelstoke Division, including train works, employees, stations at Revelstoke and Field, CPR yards, the 1954 strike, and various images of people, trains, and scenery.
Bede, AlexanderThe fonds consists of time record cards and staff and discipline records detailing Fuoco's work record with the Canadian Pacific Railway, along with Angelo Fuoco's union card and photographs of locomotives, CPR workers, and the Revelstoke machine shops.
Fuoco, AngeloThe fonds consists of engineman's trip ticket books (1948-1974), pay cheque stubs (1957-1961), photographs of CPR activity, and a letter from Stinson to Hill praising hardwork during a storm.
McQuilkan, ArchibaldThe fonds consists of Mulholland's CPR employee records (including union cards, retirement letters, trip ticket books, and staff and discipline records) and photographs of slide scenes at Downie and Illicillewaet and of Revelstoke union members at the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers convention in Revelstoke, 1957.
Mulholland, BudThe fonds consists of photographs of the pumphouse in Golden, B.C., with Charles Maxwell in both photographs.
Maxwell, Charles C.The fonds consists of railway union correspondence, minutes, educational bulletin, timetables, seniority lists, trip ticket book, tranmen's wage ticket book, train orders, passes, and photographs of railroad activity.
Finn, CorneliusThe fonds consists of CPR employment records, ticket books, seniority lists, registers of train arrivals and departures, and personal notebooks with recordings of train stops.
Farrell, DickThe fonds consists of two defensive driving course cards, a union dues card, and slides depicting the CPR Revelstoke Roundhouse, crane, turntable, and train accident at Three Valley Gap.
Iaconetti, EnricoThe fonds consists of photographs depicting railroad engines and CPR railway scenes, events, and activities in the Revelstoke area.
McIntyre, EverettThe fonds consists of photographs of Three Valley snow slide (1935), bears on tracks (Taft), the Royal Scot (1933) and train derailments.
Simpson, GeorgeThe fonds consists of photographs of CPR railroad engines and railway scenes and activities in the Stoney Creek and Revelstoke areas.
Bacheeder, GrahamThe fonds consists of CPR seniority lists, work train orders, passenger train reports, and photographs of a train wreck (1950s).
Garner, HaroldThe fonds consists of Hantula's notebook, train orders, CPR internal correspondence, and union correspondence relating to the CPR Revelstoke Division.
Hantula, HarveyThe fonds consists of photographs of the Field YMCA, Maydays at Field, B.C., CPR railroad scenes and workers, Princess Margaret at Field (ca. 1955), and of the CPR Baseball Club (1913).
Pulley, H.C.The collection consists of photographs of CPR (Revelstoke Division) scenes including a blown engine (Glacier), derailments, rock slide at Connaught Tunnel and bridge failure at Cutbank.
The fonds consists of trip ticket book, wages ticket books, exam workbook, CPR seniority list, accident reports, retirement correspondence and certificates, and other records of J. Gordon Robinson relating to his work with the CPR. Fonds includes photographs of railway workers, Stoney Creek Bridge, and Mount Stephen House, Field.
Robinson, J. GordonThe fonds consists of Leslie's statements of earnings, rail passes and union due receipts. Fonds includes some internal correspondence of the CPR Revelstoke Division. Fonds also includes photographs of coworkers, railroad engines, and train stations.
Leslie, JackThe fonds consists of train orders and clearances (through pusher service at Roger's Station) for the Canadian Pacific Railway. Includes train order for last passenger train (1989) out of Field, B.C.
Hamm, JimThe fonds consists of merit mark slips, correspondence, bulletins, train passes, conductors instructor's manual, CPR seniority lists (1948 and 1965), credit papers (1950-1952), checker's books, and a copy of a speech by Aho. Fonds includes photographs of railroad engines and cars, equipment, facilities, and scenes. Fonds also includes photographs of Aho and a fellow CPR worker, Jack White.
Aho, KarlThe fonds consists of photographs of high water on Mara Lake (1948) and of a CPR firemen strike; and, clearance papers, CPR seniority list (1951), and two long service passes.
Biollo, LinoThe fonds consists of mileage record book (1952-1954), engine service timebook (1987), land title (Revelstoke) certificates (1914), and photographs of Ray Cameron and of a Fireman's Convention in Revelstoke.
Cameron, RaymondThe collection consists of sound recordings of: 1) interviews with retired CPR-Revelstoke Division employees (including Mickey and Mary Cummings, Archibald McQuilkan, Bud Mulholland, Alan Bennett Baird and Albert Threatfue, W. Harold Dixon, Lino Biollo, Victoria Maki, Jack Carten, Douglas Parker, and Walter Paffard and Lloyd Snowden); 2) interviews with old railroaders concerning roundhouses in B.C.; and, 3) radio interviews with Ernie Ottewell and Wilma Wood relating to activities of the Revelstoke Railway Museum. Collection also includes commercially-produced tapes on railway and museum themes.
The collection consists of photographs depicting railroad workers, equipment, facilities, and scenes primarily along Canadian Pacific Railway routes. The majority of photographs depict activities in the CPR Revelstoke Division, including images of train engines, stations, tunnels, accidents and derailments, slides, CPR employees and union activities, steamships and various scenes, including those of Revelstoke, Field, Golden, Glacier, Rogers Pass, Leanchoil, Albert Canyon, Kicking Horse Canyon and Stoney Creek.
The fonds consists of certificate of qualification, trip ticket books, timebooks, cheque stubs, personal expense forms, correspondence, timetables, copies of collective agreements, operational manuals, track profiles and reports relating to Eley's work with the CPR. Fonds includes some personal papers and ephemera, including poetry and collected postcards.
Eley, RobertThe fonds consists of trip ticket books, time books, seniority lists, and other railway-related records, as well as photographs depicting CPR work trains, snow plows, train wreck (1952) and the railyard at Field, B.C. Fonds includes photographs of the Cutbank Bridge train wreck (1929).
Lind, Roy