This series consists of documentation produced by staff and volunteers at the SVES (later called Video Inn, Video In, and VIVO), from its founding in 1973 – current day. Videos from the 1970s primarily consists of informal events, including parties, dinners, and installations. Videos from the 1980s onwards primarily consists of documentation of organized events, including video screenings, workshops, lectures, artists talks, panels, and installations.
There is significant documentation of Signal + Noise, a multimedia festival organized by VIVO which ran between 2001 – 2011.
There is also documentation of other panels and political events in Vancouver. Notable events documented include: a symposium on “AIDS and Trade Unions” from the late-1980s; panels on gentrification and housing justice organized by The Mainlander in the mid-2000s; and the “Evening News,” a series of forums about political resistance to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.
Audio cassettes primarily document interviews and artist talks from the early-mid 1990s.
35mm slides primarily document parties, collective meetings, and art shows in the 1970s.
For a full inventory of tapes and material in this series, contact the archivist.